Visualizing your org chart and forecasting cost

Org charts in Agentnoon help companies visualize their org charts, a bunch of their organization visuals, and forecast the cost that’s associated with the organization.

As you make changes to the team or an organization, the associated financial cost at an individual, departmental, and group level is automatically calculated.

  1. If you create a scenario and make changes such as adding or moving people, it’s happening in both the frontend and the backend — so the Excel view changes as well based on changes in Agentnoon.


  2. As you make changes to the plan, we’re also calculating the cost associated with the new plan and changes.


  3. You can also set up multi-level approvals ex. submitting to finance or other teams for review and approval before a position is agreed upon in the organization. In the meantime, you can also see the same forecast in your spreadsheet.



  4. As the final plan has been approved in Agentnoon, we can also connect to your payroll system to track variance on a quarter-by-quarter or month-by-month basis so you can compare your plan with where you ended up you can save your finance team a lot of time when it comes to translating org changes from a budgetary perspective and control all the changes being made. You can get there by hitting “Forecast View” in the top navigation panel.