Roles Based Planning Guide
Agentnoon's roles based workforce planning allows you to plan your workforce by roles for any business scenario.
- To create a positions based plan. Click on the "Create scenario" button and then click on "Roles" .

- Then, name your plan. In this example I've named it Workforce 2025 Q3. Click on next when you're done and your roles based scenario should be set up.

- This is what your roles based planning would look like:

You can use all these features in your roles scenario:
- Visualize your org structure by roles.
- Drag and drop roles.
- Change the number of roles by just clicking on that role and updating it.
- Visualize the number of changes made to a role.
- Add a role.
- Delete a role.
- Click into a role and go 1 level deep.
- Navigate between levels using breadcrumbs or clicking on the top node.