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Positions Planning Guide

Learn how to detach people from positions, manage positions independently, and map employees effectively.

Position based planning allows you to manage roles and positions independently, enabling smoother transitions like headcount growth or team reshuffles. With this approach, positions remain flexible and can exist without being tied to individuals, ensuring your workforce plan supports real world changes.

Planning Positions in an Existing Scenario

Navigate to an Existing Scenario

Select the scenario from the dropdown menu in the top navigation bar.

Bulk Edit Employees

1. Bulk select employees

Click ⌘ + C and bulk select people one by one

2. Bulk edit employees

You can bulk edit the selected employees in the following ways:

  • Edit attributes: Change titles, departments, or other custom attributes for multiple employees.
    Change manager: Assign a new manager for selected employees.
  • Move to bench or Select Team: Assign selected employees to a bench 
  • Select team: Edit the entire teams of selected individuals
  • Remove employee: Under this option, you’ll find:
    • RIF (Reduction in Force)
    • Exit
    • Delete
    • Detach

Map People to Vacant Positions

1. Detach Positions:

  • After selecting the employees, select Remove Employee on the bottom navigation bar  in Edit Selected Employees card.
  • Select Choose Detach under Remove Employees.
  • Once detached, the positions will remain vacant and available for reassignment.

2. Map New Positions

  • Select the Vacant Position
  • Click on the position and choose to assign a new individual. Choose People from the main org or an existing scenario.

3. Un-mapping Individuals

To un-map someone from a position:
  • Click on the mapped individual’s name within the position card. Select Detach to un-map them from the role.

Filtering Positions: Mapped vs. Unmapped

To filter and analyze filled and vacant positions:
  • Go to the Directory View from the left-hand vertical menu bar.
  • Use the filter options to toggle between mapped positions (filled roles) vs un-mapped Positions (vacant roles).

Creating a Position Focused Blank Scenario

If you want to start with a clean slate:
  • Create a blank scenario  
  • Add positions to the org chart and populate them with attributes (e.g., titles, departments).
  • When ready, map individuals to these positions from either the main org chart or the scenario.