Getting Started with Access Control

Access Control feature lets admins set access levels for different users, making it secure and straightforward.

Being an admin, you can change each user’s role, and each role comes with its own access rights. We use clear, adjustable role-based access rules to make sure your team members only see the information they should see.


We have strict role-based access controls that can be customized to make sure each member of your team only sees data that they are supposed to see.


Inviting a New User

Step 1: Navigate to Access Control

Start by clicking on the Home button, then select Access Control.

Step 2: View Existing Users

You will see a list of users who already have access to the tool.

Step 3: Invite a New User

  • To invite someone new, click on Invite User in the top right corner.

  • Enter the email address of the person you want to invite.

Step 4: Assign a Role and Send Invite

  • Choose the appropriate role for the user. Roles dictate the level of access the user will have.

    • If the user won’t be managing data or performing administrative tasks, avoid assigning the Admin role.

    • For users who don’t need full data access but still need significant permissions, the HR Role is recommended. This gives access to all company data except for admin-level permissions.


          1. Admin
    • Read and write access to all data.
    • Configure reviewers for plans.
    • Override integrations.
    • Access to custom code.

         2. Executive

    • Designed for Clevel executives who need access to all data.
    • Full access to all employee data, including compensation and performance.
    • Can invite others, create scenarios, and review & approve plans.

          3. HR/Finance

    • Read only access to all employee data, including salary and performance.
    • Read only access to invited plans.

          4. Manager

    • Suitable for department heads or managers who only need to see their own team’s information.
    • Access to all employees' basic profiles within their team.
    • Limited access to sensitive information like compensation and performance within their team.
    • Can create a plan for their team.
    • Can not invite others.
    • Read only access to the org char

  • Click Send Invite to send the invitation. The user will receive an email with instructions to log in.

Managing User Access and Scope:

Step 1: Search User

  • The first step is to manage their scope — what specific parts of the data they will have access to.

  • After the user accepts the invite, you can search for them in the Access Control section and begin configuring their access.

Step 2: Modify Access

You can customize the user’s Access Scope to control what data they can view or edit:

  • Specific Departments or Orgs: Limit access to certain parts of the organization.
  • Specific Data Fields: Determine whether the user can view, edit, or hide specific fields like salary, performance, etc. 


Data Fields:

    1. Basic Profile: Includes nonsensitive fields like name and location. Generally safe to allow edit access. Users will see basic employee details.
    2. Salary: Sensitive data. You can set view only, edit, or no access based on the user’s role. Users will see salary information if granted access.
    3. Confidential Data: Includes metrics like performance and quotas. Manage access by setting it to view only, edit, or hidden. Users will see sensitive performance data.
    4. Custom Fields: Additional nonstandard fields. Control whether they are viewable, editable, or hidden. Users will see any extra fields specific to your organization.
    5. Hub: Contains charts. Users can either edit or be restricted from accessing them (view only access will be removed in a future update). Users will see visual data representations.
    6. Forecast: Shows department and people costs. You can allow view or edit access. 
    7. Management Costs: User would be able to Management's cost. Access can be set to view or edit. Users will see financial data related to management.

  • Other confidential data, such as salary benchmarks or quota numbers, can also be carefully managed by providing View, Edit, or No Access options.

Adding Multiple Scopes

  • Users can have multiple scopes. For example, a user may have access to the entire company except for certain sensitive data, and then specific access to certain departments' sensitive data.

Deleting Scopes

  • To delete a user’s access scope, you can click on the Delete button next to their scope and reset their access as needed. This allows you to create new scopes or adjust existing ones for individual users as organizational needs change.